Recent content by Rockardbiker

  1. R

    OEM Rack fitting instructions

    Hi All, I have managed to buy a used oem rack. Does anyone have the fitting instructions? Many thanks Tel
  2. R

    Front Tire Wear Out Quicker Than Rear one?

    Worth checking your tyre pressures, I had similar but worse with a couple of my tyres. My mechanic said check the tyre pressures, so I did even though I had already been checking them as a matter of course. The pressures were correct. Some time later maybe a year or so I got a new pressure gauge...
  3. R

    What other bikes do you own (have owned) and how do they compare to the MT ?

    Sorry about this list, I am a bit of a Nerd for records. Of the following list only the CB500R is remotely similar to the MT07's feel, largely because it was another twin, light and flick-able. All of these bikes have had there own character, I wish I still had them all with the exception of the...
  4. R

    Anyone encountered and fixed corrosion issues like these?

    Had my bike 2 months and noticed them corroding. Covered them in lithium grease which does not melt or wash off. Waiting to see if they will fix them under warranty. Fingers crossed.
  5. R

    Mud and Muck everywhere. Rear Wheel Hugger?

    Hi All nube to the forum, not read much yet but looks good from what I have seen. My MT07 still has the original pooper scooper on the back, and I must say it is completely useless. I am gett so much crap up my back that I have started to wear a cheap waterproof jacket to protect my decent...
